Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer Salsa Studies Start Surprisingly Swell

Summer salsa lessons started up two weeks ago. Disappointingly there are only two other new students a guy, who is dating the female instructor, and a girl. I had been hoping that a few of the people from last semester, and one girl in particular, would be continuing on this summer. They had said they were so maybe they are just on vacation and will start in the up coming weeks. But not all is lost, because the new girl, Kaylee, is a blonde beauty who actually talks to me. We are going to glance over the fact that she talked to me only because we were both standing around waiting for the instructors to show up before class started.

One of the things we talked about was where to dance in town. After class I said I was going out Friday around 10:30 to dance and she said unfortunately she gets off work at 11. I told her that maybe we would happen to run into each other. That means we will be running into each other. This also means that I will have to go out by my lonesome to the bar where the dancing happens. Hopefully she shows up, but if not then I'll have to practice being manly and asking strangers to dance. In either case something horrible will naturally happen so you have something to look forward to when I post again.


Anonymous said...

Come on, Greg, positive thinking! Give her your phone number and tell her to call if she wants to meet up. Otherwise, go to the bar and meet new people (I know that's not as easy as it sounds) and dance away.

I'm glad that salsa is starting well!