Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Big Date

I asked Stacy out on Tuesday, and on Thursday I wrote her an e-mail saying it might be fun to dress up. I want to talk more about that e-mail but because I'm sure most of you aren't interested in it right now, I'll skip it and just talk about last night. The purpose of the e-mail was to give her a further hint that I was wanting the tone of last night to be a date, and not just friends getting together for a bite.

We made plans to go out for dinner at 7:30 and then go salsa dancing after that. I wore a sweater with a collared shirt underneath and a new pair of slacks I picked up earlier in the day, and she wore a dress and looked very very nice. In all I was very happy to get to spend my night taking a pretty girl out to dinner and a dance. That sort of treat doesn't come my way often.

At the restaurant we ordered two different sushi dishes that were actually a combination of different types of fish. The idea was that way we could eat off each other's plates and try a whole lot of different types. This sushi was much like the other sushi I've had, terrible. But she liked it and we both had fun playing with the green stuff that is like horseradish on crack. I had a huge laugh at one point. At the time when I had just taken a big bite of sushi she decided to try the green stuff and got a pretty good sized hunk of it on her chopstick and put the whole thing in whole mouth. I wanted to stop her but all I could do was sort of make muffled noises. She just blinked and said it was a bit strong. But then it hit her and the tears started to come and then the visceral physical revulsions came. Hilarious.

After dinner we made our way to the bar. During the drive to the bar she told me that there is a chance she is going to be here for the summer doing research. That got me really excited, because that would give us the whole summer to build a relationship rather than having to deal with long distance hassles.

At the bar we found out that the dancing wasn't going to start until 11:30. That was a major blow because we were both very tired and she had mentioned she had wanted to get home around midnight. That was only going to be a half an hour of dancing, and that was something I was really looking forward to. But it couldn't be helped, and it gave us about another 2 hours to sit and chat.

Now one of my goals last night was to let it be vocally known what my intentions were. I wanted to be clear with her that I was thinking of this as a date and not just two friends hanging about for a bit. But I was struggling with a way to approach the subject. I was worried that she might get scared off if I told her I was interested in her and then even the possibility of a friendship would be gone. All throughout the night I was trying to drop subtle things to gauge her interest. For example, we briefly spoke about movies on the way to the restaurant and I told her I found out earlier in the day that the new 'Alice in Wonderland' movie is going to be in 3D. The whole point of that was to see if she was going to get excited about seeing the movie, in 2D or 3D it didn't matter. But as typical with her, she showed no enthusiasm on the subject of us seeing it and instead asked questions about the movie itself. Then at the bar I thought of an opening. It went like this. "Stacy, are you the type of person who likes to address the pink or white elephant in the room, whatever color it's called nowadays? Some people like to talk about the obvious thing and others do not. What type are you?" "I think I'm the type who does like to talk about it, but give me an example." "Okay here's an example. What would you call tonight?" And she looked at me with this 'isn't it obvious' expression and said it's a date. That was a big relief.

So proceeding from there we spent the rest of the night, probably 2 or 3 hours, talking about us. From that point on I thought the night took a positive turn. This subject was on the front of my mind, was causing me great anxiety about how to bring it up and what the consequences of doing so would be, and I was having a difficult time thinking about other things to talk about. But now that it was finally in the open I was able to relax and just see where it went. Essentially I got to be more my typical self. Right away she let me know that she is not interested in dating me. That wasn't good enough for me though so I asked her why. She couldn't articulate any reasons. My sister said it's because she isn't attracted to me, and that's probably true. While she couldn't vocalize any negatives, I'm supposing she just doesn't feel any spark between us. This news was saddening, but it was also not unexpected because as I've mentioned throughout these posts she has never shown much enthusiasm about hanging out with me so it wasn't like I was getting any false impressions.

I tried to fight for her a little bit though. Basically I tried to explain to her that I feel that it would take more than one date to get to know someone well enough to determine an interest level. And I told her my story about how I've seen this first hand. It didn't work. She just isn't interested. So then, dropping the subject of trying to change her mind, I told her to let me tell my story about how this all came about. And I told her everything. From the first time we met, to how our mutual friend tried to hook us up, to the dance she wouldn't go to me with, to the valentine I made, to all my worries on Tuesday night about whether or not I should ask her at all, to finally going on this date. And I told her about this blog too, and all the posts I've made about her. She may actually read this one. I sent her an e-mail earlier today with all the ones I could find where I mentioned her. The reason I told her all this was because I liked how she was handling our conversation about our relationship at that point and I felt it would be fun to tell her the whole story. And fortunately she did seem to enjoy it all. And she became very open about her own feelings, where in the past she was a little more closed off.

I found out I've actually got a few fans in her family. Her Mom and sister both are rooting for me. That made me laugh, and I told Stacy that I had hoped something like that would happen when I had met them in the past. Her Mom thinks I drive a cool car, and her sister just likes me. Apparently I could even date her, but Stacy said we would not get along at all. She also said she was glad that I didn't think she was giving me mixed signals because a lot of guys do tend to get the wrong impression about her. I told her that I wanted to spy on her when she got her V-Day card, and she said then I might have gotten a very bad signal, because she loved it.

After talking about our girl and guy situations for awhile, the conversation turned to how to proceed in the future. I said that while I would like to keep hanging out, just as friends, that I would probably not call as much for two reasons. First, it's very hard for me to call her in the first place and I'm not about to keep having a miniature heart attack if I don't think anythings going to come from it. But more importantly because I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable because of the fact that I do have an interest in her. I also said she should feel free to call me but to qualify the call right away, saying something like "Hi, just as friends do you want to ... " That way I couldn't possibly get any wrong ideas, and be like "Oh yay, Stacy called, she must totally dig me now."

At one point she asked if I'd like to go get yogurt, her treat. There's a place on campus that is like an ice-cream joint but it serves yogurt instead. I was a bit put down by this because I knew it would mean there'd be no dancing, but I also like the yogurt place so she didn't need to twist my arm about it. We talked more about our situation and how to go forward, and around 11:30 I took her home.

In all we had a 4 hour date, and even though the news was very saddening it wasn't unexpected and I still had a blast. She said she did feel bad. She had recognized my hints long ago and knew that I wanted tonight to be a date and therefore felt bad that I would be paying for a nice dinner and that she didn't have much interest. I told her that I haven't managed to get a girl to go on a 'date' with me in about 6 or 7 years, and being able to take a very pretty girl out to a nice restaurant for me was fantastic despite the news.

So there you have it. Back to square one. In terms of Stacy and us I've been in this boat before. I imagine last night went well enough, with little pain and awkwardness, that things will probably change very little betweeen us. I told she always has a standing invitation for more dancing. Hmm. I haven't put much thought into the next dance though which occurs in May and whether or not to ask her. But that's a long way off, a lot can change, and if she is reading this, I'm not about to go give any hints now. For now however, I think I'll go check my plentyoffish account.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Devil is in the Details

Yesterday I planned on trying again to ask the girl I'm interested in out to dinner on Friday before salsa dancing. Even though I expected she was going to say yes, I still had to work up the nerve to call her up and deal with the fact that this could actually be a blow to our friendship altogether. If, for example, she said no she may decide not to hang out anymore in order to avoid making any false impressions. I see this type of thing happens all the time.

But I was expecting her to say yes, and with that came another sort of worry I have. Supposing she said yes, and that things actually worked out and go swimmingly, something I'm much less confident of but let's pretend for the moment that they do, I do not want to re-experience for the 3rd time a girl I'm fond of deciding to drop me completely for another guy. The terrible pain I felt from the first two times is just as present today as it was when it happened the last time over a year ago. I've just learned how to stifle it.

Anyway, that nagging worry got me thinking about how I would handle actually being in a relationship right now. And I started thought about not calling her altogether. Taking that chance, seeing it work and getting my hopes up, only to find it all come crashing down, isn't a risk I really want to take. But then I realized that would be incredibly cowardly, and that I had to take the chance no matter what.

Then I felt that should I get into a relationship, out of that fear I would guard my emotions, and sort of setup a wall around myself. That I would limit the love and devotion I would be willing to put into the relationship. Then I rationalized that doing so would ultimately lead that relationship into disaster as well. So now I was back to square one about not calling her at all. It didn't make reasonable sense to start something doomed to failure.

And then I said to myself, "Hold on a minute, what are you thinking? Don't open yourself up, don't take risks, don't love fully, don't start new relationships, don't trust others. Every bit of that sewage is what the devil would say to do."

I threw out those rubbishy thoughts, called Stacy, and made dinner plans with her for this Friday at the best sushi restaurant in town.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yes but No

Last night I called up the girl I'm interested in to ask her on a date. But I wasn't about to just put all my chips in without first attempting to read her. I decided that before I would ask her on a date for this Friday I would first play it safe and see if she wanted to go Salsa dancing like two weeks ago. If she wanted to go dancing then I was going to ask her out to dinner before we met up with our friends later in the night. So I asked her and she did want to go. Very much so. And then she told me that she couldn't because she was going home Friday afternoon for a meeting early Saturday with one of her coaches. She thought about whether or not she could work it out somehow, but in the end she couldn't and so no salsa. Well with that in mind I wasn't going to bring up the notion of a dinner date. Sunday won't work because of her dance lessons and if she's going to be out of town all weekend she may need the night to focus on her studies. But maybe next week I'll think of something.

Nevertheless I was still encouraged because after we established the fact that she isn't going to be here this weekend and I was getting ready to get off the phone she wanted to keep talking. The only problem with all of this is that it's not exactly easy for me to push that call button every time. It's a rather odd phenomenon I think that is universal. For the most part we can call up our friends and just say let's meet up at some time. It's not a big deal, we can do it without thinking about it. But the moment that person becomes someone we're interested in then it becomes an ordeal. Now we may want to rehearse or write down what we're going to say before hand. Yes, I have done both before in the past. and neither work. Maybe we need to be in a safe or comfortable place. And it has to be devoid of any background noise with a clear strong connection so there's no chance that we misunderstand or miss out on the call. And it's all to ask the exact same question we'd ask our friends without a passing thought. All of a sudden, "Hey let's go catch the new flick at the theater" becomes the most courageous undertaking of our lives. So as far as I'm concerned that makes me the black knight.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Poor Parking Job

Every now and then we all get e-mails that have pictures of some crazy thing that someone else got to see. Today I present you one such photo that I personally took right down the street from my apartment.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Door Number 3

Fortunately, my sister thought her Valentine's Day card was quite nice and it made her laugh. I think she took the easy way out though. While her hand made card was quite nice on the outside, on the inside there wasn't much content. Believe it or not I do look on the inside of things too. My card was big which meant I had a lot of white space to fill, whereas hers was small so she didn't have to write more than a few sentences. And her handwriting uses a large font size. Anyway, we both managed to get through it without screaming or crying so as far as things goes, V-Day for my sister and I was a success.

As for the girl I'm interested in, her response was unexpected. Let's start at the beginning. First I made her card and the envelope. The card itself was nothing more than a sheet of paper with the poem I wrote and two hearts drawn with a red crayon. I like the minimalist look from time to time, and I did it nice. The poem itself was written in a special font which I developed to look like a small child wrote it with meticulous care. Coming up with the poem and writing it down probably took about an hour. The envelope took about 4 hours including the time needed to go get the supplies. So 5 hours invested in a potential relationship. On Sunday I found her bike and put the card and two treats in her bike basket. I was hoping that she was going to go to noon Mass and was watching out for her around 1 but she didn't show. Because of where her bike was parked I had a perfect view of it out from a window next to the Church, and I wanted to see her reaction. I wasn't going to be an even bigger weirdo and stay there all day so I went home.

At around 5:00 she called me up. At this point I was doing a bit of volunteering and driving some people home from a retreat they were at over the weekend. She said the gift made her really happy and asked where I found the envelope. When I told her it was handmade by myself she said it was amazing and that she wouldn't throw it away. Then I asked if this got me dinner with her. She said definitely and that she was really hungry because she hadn't eatten all day. However, because I was still about 20 minutes out we had to postpone things. At 6:30 her friend, another guy, was to pick her up for the dance lessons they take together and then they were going to 9:00 Mass together. She says they are just friends and nothing is going on, but she's simple if she thinks this guy doesn't have some other intentions in mind.

Anyway, this week she is swamped with exams and papers so we will unlikely be able to do much until possibly Friday. Yesterday after Mass the other girl I went salsa dancing with two weeks ago asked if I was going this Friday. So maybe I can get the girl I'm interested in to hang out for a bit before salsa and then we can all go again together along with that other guy. There's a chance I'll be seeing her late tonight and hopefully then I can make plans.

In addition there is still more news. I also saw her on Saturday for a bit of volunteering we were doing. This time, she did show more enthusiasm. My main problem so far has been she has, in my opinion, shown no real interest in doing things with me. Like during the debate for example. It wasn't much but there was more there and usual. So Saturday night went well.

Now the unexpected part of all this was her response to my Valentine gift to her. I was expecting two responses. Basically yes I'm interested or no I'm not interested. Girls if a guy hand makes you a V-Day gift and it is obvious time was taken to craft it, then there's your sign. Apparently the girl I'm interested in did not quite realize this and chose a third response. While she didn't say it explicitly I got the feeling she was wanting to go out as friends getting some quick grub. Not as a formal date type setting. So I'll have to clarify that. It doesn't really bother me that I have to say it out loud, I just thought the Valentine would have made that clear. Oh well, there's another lesson. Girls can be just as clueless at taking hints as the guys are.

Okay, that is more than enough on my lady situation. Even I'm starting to get bored with all these lady posts, and I have other things I want to talk about. However, since the majority of you are females maybe you all like these gushy soap opera scenarios.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Stressful Expressions of Love

Two years ago I failed to send my sister a Valentine's Day card. I can't remember all the details on why I didn't but I believe there were quite a few. For starters I just didn't want to deal with the hassle of it. Secondly, I think we were fighting because I have some small memory in the back of my head about me saying that calling me names and screaming at me doesn't get you a lovely card and box of chocolates. Anyway she was not pleased, especially considering that she got me a a card, and I took hell for it. Well the next year I decided to be the big man and get her a card. But she didn't get me one! And when I told her about it she laughed. She screamed 'Bloody Murder' when I didn't get her one two years ago but last year it wasn't all that important. People are not allowed to change if it in anyway effects me. So now we are in the present year, and I'm told that I have to get her a card. The way I see it we're skipping every year, which makes this year her turn. Apparently though, if you have kidney stones, the world starts and stops at your every whim, and my sister has decided that she wants a card from me this year, even though she won't be home to receive it since she's going to Pittsburgh for the weekend. Mom decided for me that I will be sending her one nevertheless. And I did. I found a post card with a guy falling off a ladder. I told her to get better if she ever wants to have a hope of getting a card from someone other than her brother. I then nicely told her that I hope she feels better and that her pain goes away soon. Then I advised her that if she has to choose between eating candy as a comfort food or popping pain pills, that she should take the pills. It would be cheaper for her to come off that addiction than go back on Jenny Craig. Besides, I'd rather see her thin and addicted rather than fat and happy. Upon reading this to my Mom she thought it was a bit unloving, but I pointed out that she needs to consider the letter as a whole. After all, I did wish her a Happy V-Day, a happy trip and quick recovery from her surgeries. The whole thing is just darling. I also pointed out that at least someday she will have a guy writing her cards, whereas I will likely be only ever to count on her (occasionally at best if we take last year into account) and Mom.

The girl I'm interested in sings in the 12 o'clock choir on Sundays. During that time this Sunday I plan on giving her a Valentine gift too. The gift is just going to be a very juvenile card, possibly made by myself, with a rhyming poem I wrote up, and a box of some sort of candy, probably those candy hearts. It's meant to get a laugh, without coming off as creepy, and give her the clue that I am interested. My idea is to surprise her with it. On Sunday, hopefully she ride over to Church on her bike. Her bike has one of those baskets on the handlebars for holding stuff. I want to put the gift in the basket while she is at Mass, so that way when she comes out it'll be a surprise. Now, if she doesn't ride her bike to Mass I was thinking about stopping by her apartment and leaving it there. While I could give it to her in person, I think that takes a way a bit from the fun and potentially sets up an awkward situation.

If this doesn't at least generate a dinner date, then I think I'm through. The poem I wrote up is one of my better works, being both humorous and not weird (no sign of Aspies here), and the idea of surprising her with it rather than creating some sort of mushy situation is the best I can do. So if this doesn't work, I'm not sure what if anything will.

Master Debators

Three nights ago I went to a debate on whether or not the Christian God exists. It was held on campus in the main auditorium. There was a pretty good showing, about 1,200 people went to the actual event, another 50 or so showed up to a separate live screening, and about 600 logged in to youtube where it was broadcast live. I went to the actual showing. The debate was between an atheist, John Loftus, and a Catholic, Dinesh D’Souza. I know the guy who organized the event and I asked him why this particular topic was chosen rather than just simply debating about whether God exists. Debating the existence of the Christian God is significantly more challenging than just a God, and it seemed out of place for an atheist who won’t even admit to a God let alone a Trinitarian one. He said it was requested by Loftus himself, because he is willing to allow for the philosophical God, although he simply chose not to believe in one.

The two debators were quite educated. Loftus has a couple degrees in theological studies, and it wasn’t until later that he decided God doesn’t exist. One of the nice things about the debate was that the debators got to talk to each other. It wasn’t like the political debates we see on TV where the politicians just answer questions that are asked to them by the moderator. Seeing the back and forth conversation was excellent.

Most people I talked to felt the D’Souza won. And I had to agree but not overwhelmingly so. What a lot of people liked about D’Souza was that he was very clever and quick on his feet. But, as I tried to point out to some of my more enthused friends, being witty didn’t make his arguments any more relevant. And ultimately that was the significant problem with the debate. The content was lacking. As I predicted, it’s too difficult arguing for a Christian God when one of the debators doesn’t allow for any God to begin with. So the whole night treated the two subjects instead of just the one. I was expecting the whole debate to be essentially about the pros and cons of Christology. But it turned out that only a very small portion of time was spent on Christ. And that was shortened to more of an afterthought by both debators on Lewis’ liar, lunatic, legend and Lord.

Ultimately I felt the D’Souza won because I found many of Loftus’ arguments could have been used against him as well. In terms of whether or not God exists there are only two possibilities, He either does or He doesn’t. Loftus was making arguments that could possibly nullify both claims. But that is impossible so the argument itself must be flawed. In my opinion, the error was that Lofus’s arguments were highly subjective. A few of D’Souza’s were too but not nearly as much so. In his first episode, Stephen Colbert illustrated the absurdity of using subjective arguments to make assertions about objective truths. He defined this phenomenon as ‘truthiness’, where the truth of a matter lies in how I feel about it.

Okay, you’ve made it this far so I’ll get to what most of you may be more interested in. As I mentioned, the girl I’m interested in was also going to this debate and she did. And I got another dose of that lacking enthusiasm I keep picking up on from her. In this case, as I was walking out of the building I met my friends at to go to this debate, I ran into her walking in to meet her friends. She said ‘Hi’ and knew I was going, but even though I was walking out she didn’t inquire about where I’d be sitting. Instead she asked if I saw her guy friend who she was supposed to be meeting. But it’s not just that. I’ve seen her twice at Mass since Friday and again conversation stops at ‘hi’. Nevertheless, I am stubborn and will continue to do what I do to change our situation. I should be seeing her Saturday night for a volunteering project we’re both involved with but she will be working with a separate group of people. I still don’t know about tonight and dancing, but I do know that I have to run right now if I hope to make tonight’s class so that I can have some moves to practice this Friday if things should happen to work out. I have decided I am going to get her a Valentine’s Day gift, but I want to save the details of that for a different post.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Silence is Golden

The past few days have been busy, but while the stuffed peppers are cooking in the oven I decided to do a bit of multi-tasking and do an update. As I mentioned on Friday night I got two of my friends and the girl I’m interested in to go Salsa dancing. The roads were awful but I wasn’t going to let them ruin this for me, and so at 8:30 I slowly started inching my way towards picking everyone up.

We got to the first bar around 9:00. I hadn’t been to this bar before but was surprised to see I had been to that location before. About 6 years ago, my friends and I went out one night with the minivan to a hookah bar. I remembered being astonished that upon entering we weren’t greeted with a faceful of smoke. There were so many vents in the place that the air was just as fresh as it is outside. But all these years later the hookah bar was closed and was replaced with just an ordinary bar. The bar itself is different because it’s essentially a converted house with couches and rooms. When we got there a blues guitarist was still playing so we grabbed a couch and had a sit down. The proprietor was a middle aged lady who was very outgoing and touchy. By that I mean that she had no problem grabbing my legs when she wanted my attention. WAM she was just like that lady who liked your hair when we went out. She informed us that we were at a bar, so just simply getting pop was out of the question. Without bothering with IDs she took our orders, and many more throughout the night. At one point I asked her when the salsa was starting. It was already 10 and the website said it starts at 9. She said she’s going to have to get the website fixed, and assured me the salsa DJ was coming. And sure enough he eventually got there and started the music. The bar had a nice dance floor, but we found us four were the only ones dancing. I taught the girl I’m interested in the basic steps and because she is excellent at following a lead she was able to very quickly grasp the various moves I was trying to perform. But even though I’ve had two semesters worth of classes, because it had been so long I couldn’t recall many of the moves, and the free lessons that were promised on the website weren’t happening we decided to go to the other bar in town that also promised free salsa dancing and lessons. Still the first bar went very well. While the guitarist was performing we had about an hour to sit and talk on the comfy sofa sharing our drinks.

The next place was in the other town, and again driving like a snail we made our way over and went on in. This time the salsa dancing was being run by the same organization that taught my intermediate classes on campus. Either we missed them or they had already finished, but the lessons were not going on and instead we found a good number of people already dancing. This was nice because it gave us something to watch to break up any potential awkward silences in conversation, helped us see some moves in action, and gave us a bunch of additional people to dance with. And sure enough after a few dances a guy came up wanting to dance with my friend. I didn’t mind because I thought it’d be nice to let her dance with someone who knew what he was doing on the floor. They danced for a good while, but eventually he started getting a bit too close for comfort and was trying to get her e-mail. At that point she had to say she needed to get back with the guy she came with and broke away. During that time I had walked away to join my other friends but was still close enough to keep an eye on things in case they got out of hand. Fortunately the guy was understanding and made no protests about her rejoining me.

Sometime after midnight as we were getting ready to leave, she asked if anyone was up for getting chips and salsa. This surprised me because it was no secret we were all exhausted but again if I wasn’t going to let a bit of snow stop me from staying out, I certainly wasn’t going to let a lack of sleep either. We ended up getting a take out pizza, chips, salsa and carrots. The other two got the pizza, and my friend and I went to get the chips and salsa at a nearby grocery store when she made her enthusiasm known that she needed carrots, in a way similar to the way pregnant ladies all of a sudden get a craving for the most random food and need as soon as possible if not earlier. We weren’t gone for more than 10 mintues but found in just that short time the other two had already ordered, received, and demolished the pizza and were ready to get home. But one of the guys was still willing to hang out a bit. Not knowing where to take the food we made back to my old dorm’s caf which never really closes and banged on the doors until someone let us in.

Now if any part of the night didn’t go so hot it was here. Here we had to resort on conversation to keep ourselves entertained and this is where things always get dicey for me. At one point they shared stories of their childhood memories of scandalous behavior. I can’t remember the details of those stories, but thought they were a bit tame. So I decided to share my memory of a senior trip and a video tape. Oh my, for some reason at 2:00 in the morning that seemed like such a good idea. It wasn’t. Relating just how taboo certain topics may be at times sometimes can be very difficult for me. Like there are things that just do not ever be mentioned and this was definitely one of them, but as I mentioned it was late and my mind played a trick on me. From there the conversation starting taking a very depressive route, and at one point we had to exclaim out loud that we were getting back to a positive topic. And for the rest of the night things were fine.

I finally fell into my place at 2:40. So that was about 6 hours in all, and about 5.75 hours of that time was awesome. Now today the Super Bowl is on. I was invited to a party and was told to invite others. I called her up and left a message about the event but haven’t gotten a response yet. I know she was at Mass at the time, so I’m not freaking out about not getting an instant response, but as the day wears on I am curious if I might have done some significant damage at the end of Friday night. I don’t think I did, at least not disastrously so. In any event, regardless of how today goes, I will be seeing her on Tuesday at a debate we’re both attending on campus, and then I will be able to read some body language. Oh well, as Dean would say one boy one girl, some grief some joy memories are made of this.

Friday, February 5, 2010

It's Friday Night and the Moon is Bright

Sitting here in my old dorm's caf with a soda and my computer I had some time to kill so I thought I'd give you all a quick update. It is disgusting outside right now. Everything is a slushy mess and my poor kittykat doesn't like it one bit. But not all is sad. I made a few calls earlier tonight to see if anyone was interested in salsa, and two of my friends wanted to come, a stud and a doll. With them in hand, I then called up the girl I'm interested in and she said she'd love to come. Fantastic. Stay tuned for a full report of my epic mishandling of this fortunate situation.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

No Fireworks But Maybe A Firecracker

Apparently my last few posts have not been entertaining enough, because I have only been receiving requests for updates on my lady situation. Since "Salsa Not To Eat" there have been a few little events worth mentioning. First off, that Monday when I went into work I was told that I needed to take the next two days off. Being completely free on Tuesday, I called up my lady of interest and asked if she'd like to join me for lunch. And it was lovlay and chatted for a long time. We also talked a bit about our missed salsa opportunity. We kept trying to set a new date in stone but continued to distract ourselves with other tangents that we wanted to talk about, and eventually we looked at the clock and realized we both needed to get moving. Well only she needed to, I could have sat there for hours being on vacation, but I played along to appear as though I have some life.

Later that week, Thursday maybe, she gave me a buzz while I was at work. She was trying to find someone to pick her up from the hospital way off in the middle of no where. She didn't want to bother me but said I was the only person she called who answered the phone. So I got to play hero for the day and pick her up. Sure I may have been last fiddle, but I still got to save the day nevertheless.

We did not get to dance this past weekend. She had a friend come in from out of town, her old love no less, and was very excited about it. Just wonderful. But she said she is over him when I made 'woo-woo' noises at her.

Now in the past, whenever I want to get closer to a girl without making it seem blatantly obvious, I try to organize some event and invite the girl I'm interested in along with everyone else. This actually tends to work out fairly well for me. Or at least these things tend to fare better percentage wise than all my other attempts to get closer to a girl. In this case I'm sticking with salsa. She's into dancing and wants to do more of it. Thus today I sent out a mass e-mail to everyone I know who likes to salsa and provide them a list of classes and places in town that have salsa dancing at night. I also told them where and when I would be this Friday night. So hopefully the girl I like will take note and join in. Even if no one responds to my e-mail I'm still going out anyway. If nothing else I'll be meeting new people.

Oh and something else I just remembered. While we were at lunch she told me she's going to be here for another 2 years after this year. That's a great plus because it'll give me some time to work on things with her. Although I would be absolutely shocked if anything came of this. I really do not think she's all that interested in me. But I think I can at least get a date with her. I think that if I don't hear from her Friday or Saturday that I will give her a call on Sunday to see if she wants to go out to eat again.