Ah, Eddie's classic hit. This past Friday I had a Christmas party. Generally I think I'm very good at coming up with party activities and how it's all going to unfold. From the music, to food, to the games and events. However, I am absolutely terrible when it comes to organizing the big day. I think this is partially because people do not think I can organize parties or think I'm going to mess it up and it's going to be no fun, so very few people tend to show up. This party wasn't much of an exception, as not as many people as I would have liked showed up. However it was still extremely successful in my opinion, and in the end all the people I really wanted to show up did anyway.
The party wasn't actually my idea. After a night of racquetball, two of my friends decided that I was going to host a wallyball tournament at the club house where I live. The idea was that we would meet for 5:00 Mass, drive to my place, have the tournament and then have dinner and watch a movie at the club house which has a grill/bar, big screen, pool table and comfy couches. But when I went to reserve the court I was told that the employee Christmas party was being held the night I wanted to reserve it and that the club house would be closed. Fortunately, when the lady saw my face drop she took pity and said she would let my group in anyway. So we got the court. But we could not go into the rest of the club house because of the party.
Well that's no so bad, we could just go to my apartment and have dinner and watch the movie. The problem is that one of the guests, Kate, has cerebral palsy and cannot walk so good, let alone climb three flights of stairs. So I came up with a solution. Before Mass I went and got a platter of subs from Subway, then ran off to Meijer for chips and pop and threw it all in my trunk. The idea was that we could go to the club house for the tournament and then if Kate didn't feel up to making the climb to my place, we could go to a handicap accesible dorm on campus I had in mind and simply take over one of the party rooms that has a big screen and have dinner there.
But after Mass, one of the other guests said he would just piggy-back Kate up the stairs. That seemed absoutely insane to me but they were both fine with it so I said alright. If they both didn't mind taking the risk of one of them falling down I'm not going to stop them. It turns out that he also piggy-backed her down those three flights of steps which he practically ran down. That got me a little upset because I felt that was extremely dangerous, but if the two idiots broke their necks I wasn't going to complain. Two less morons for me to put up with. Anyway, we had dinner and watched the movie in my place. In all about 10 people showed up by the time it was all over. About half came and went at different times, so there was a good flow of people. I also chose the movie, and told them I didn't want their clever suggestions. We watched 'Hot Rod' which is halarious and clean. That's something that I want to gripe about. No one trusts me with movies. Like everything I'm going to pick out is either going to be raunchy, or excessively violent or both. But what I find is that when my friends pick out movies, they choose the terrible flicks and everyone ends up miserable. So I forced upon them my own pick, and of course everyone loved it.
Now the part of this party that was successful was that I managed to get the current girl I'm interested in to come over. I keep expecting to have to write up some horrible new ordeal on here the past few weeks but so far, like the party, I've done pretty well. So sorry Gurney for the lack of laughs.