Tuesday, August 17, 2010

200 bowls

Wow, the 200th post. To celebrate it, I can think of no better way than to list off some of my latest lady failings. First and foremost we have the new dating site that I talked about in the previous post. Not surprisingly the Catholic grad student who likes salsa did not write back. But she never even viewed my profile, which may mean she hasn't read my message yet. In general, if a girl writes me or expresses interest I will at least take a look at her profile. I also wrote another girl. This one is a gorgeous nurse, who is also, as she put it, a serious Catholic. She actually looked at my profile, but again no response. Unfortunately those have been the only two I've written. I looked at many other profiles none of them were what I was looking for.

Next up we have my situation with real life girls. All summer long, I have been talking to one girl, the one who said the idea of us hanging out makes her want to throw up. Well she just decided to go out with another guy. So that's the end of that.

Kaylee never did get in touch about meeting up for dancing. And my plans for having a salsa night where I live seem to be failing. The instructor and the management don't seem to be expressing much interest. For example, I e-mailed the management last week about setting up a date for the party, and I never got an answer back.

I could go on, but let's change subjects. Lately I have been thinking about taking a road trip. I had been planning on going alone, but it turns out a friend of a friend (the girl who ran to another guy) who I have never met, also wants to go on a road trip. So the two of us may travel the road together. That should make for a pretty interesting adventure. No details on that yet, but that news is recent as of yesterday so give it some time to fail.

Well by now some of you may have read 200 of these posts. That's quite an accomplishment. So tonight you, like me, should celebrate. I will be eating gelato, with my feet up. My grocery store may have stopped carrying the best ice-cream on the planet, 'United Dairy Farmers' Premium Homemade Ice-Cream', but they picked up gelato so I suppose I have to forgive them.

Finally, while I do not comment on my titles, leaving them for you to figure how they relate to my post, today is an exception. The 200 bowls refer to 200 bowls of pudding. The reason I decided to comment on it was because, not having learned my lesson, when I wrote out the title I first wrote, '200 bowels'. Really, I think it looks much better with that 'e'.


Anonymous said...

Greg, you've got to keep at OKCupid. Not everyone is going to reply, even to the best of us. Be slightly more opened minded - like, maybe the girl doesn't have to say that she is a serious Catholic. Message more girls, and you will get responses. Also, some people just wait awhile to reply. I had a guy look at my profile right after I messaged him, but it took him a few days to write back. Don't give up yet, it'll just take some time! Better luck with other things! Also, the throw up girl sounds terrible. Stop spending time with her.

Spike said...

Oh, I'm not limiting myself to the Catholic ones. I didn't even know the gorgeous one was Catholic until I clicked on her profile. That was just a pleasant surprise.

I haven't given up yet with it, and it's good to hear about that guy in your situation. And I have had a girl already write me. I'm just finicky.

As for the girl who expressed her nerves about going out with me, you shouldn't say mean things about her. One, because you never know who may be reading this, two because I purposely leave out lots of details from these posts to keep them amusing and short (pudding), and three because she is my friend.